Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pot of Prayers

I have been struggling to teach our daughter about prayer.  She is only three and a half, so I certainly don't expect her to truly understand the concept or power of prayer, but I really want her to have some understanding of why I pray with her.  I started explaining to her that prayer is like water and sun for people!  She knows that we water our flowers and plants and knows that it helps them to grow.  I told her that when we pray it is like we are watering the people we love so they will grow too!  Of course, she thought they would get bigger, but I explained to her that they are growing more in love with Jesus and becoming better on the inside.

I wanted to make our prayers for others fit this picture, so I created a Pot of Prayers.  I used pictures of the people we pray for to create a flower-looking design that I put on candy pop sticks.  I put corn in a pot and some ribbon and now we have a Pot of Prayers!

So, who do we pray for?  So many people: family, friends, classmates, and our Pastor.  How about you?  How do you pray with your Preschooler?

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